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TK-2+ Assessments

The nine assessments are:

Critical Learning Phases


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*To compare two groups and determine which is more and which is less
*To compare two groups in a variety of settings and determine how many more or less one number is than the other

Critical Learning Phases

Compare Two Groups: Lined Up

*Uses what is known about one number to determine another when the groups are lined up
*Compares two groups that are lined up and determines when is more, and which is less
*When the groups are lined up, tells how many more or less, when the difference is 1 or 2
*When the groups are lined up, tells how many more or less, when the difference is more than 2

Compares Two Groups: Not Lined Up

*Compares two groups that are not lined up and tells which is more, and which is less
*When the groups are not lined up, tells how many more or less, when the difference is 1 or 2
*When the groups are not lines up, tells how many more or less, when the difference is more than 2

Using Symbols

*Uses the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols as a shortcut for the commonly used words (is more than, is less than) when comparing objects


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*The parts of numbers to 10
*To use what they know about the parts of numbers to solve subtraction problems

Critical Learning Phases

*Identifies missing parts of numbers to 10 by using related combinations including:
--Using number combinations to solve subtraction (Ex: 5 + 3 = 8, so 8 - 5 = 3)
--Knowing taking away 1 part leaves the other part (Ex: 6 - 4 = 2, so 6 - 2 = 4)
*Knows missing parts of numbers to 10


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*To use numbers to answer the question, "how many?"
*To count objects with consistency, accuracy and confidence
*To know one more and one less than a number
*To interpret and write numerals to label quantities

Critical Learning Phases

Counting Objects:

*Counts one item for each number (one-to-one)
*Keeps track of an unorganized pile
*Spontaneously checks by recounting to see if the result is the same
*Knows "how many" after counting
*Notices when recounting a group results in a different number
*Is bothered when counting a group results in the same number after some have been added or taken away
*Reacts to estimate while counting
*Gets a particular number without counting past it

One More/One Less:

*Knows "one more" in sequence without counting
*Knows "one less" in sequence without counting
*Notices if a counting pattern doesn't make sense
(Ex: saying 20, 30, 40 instead of 21, 22, 23, or 13, 14, 15 instead of 13, 12, 11)
*Knows one more without counting when numbers are presented out of sequence
*Knows one less without counting when numbers are presented out of sequence


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*To change one quantity into another
*That a smaller number is contained within a larger number
*To count starting from a known amount (counting on)
*To describe how one number is related to another number


Changing One Number to Another:

*Changes a number to a larger number by counting on, or adding on a group
*Changes a number to a smaller number by counting back, or removing a group

Describing the Relationship between the Numbers:

*After changing one number to another, is aware of how many were added or taken away
*Knows how many to add or take away from a number to make another number


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*To recognize the parts of numbers
*To combine parts of numbers without counting all

Critical Learning Phases

*Recognizes groups of numbers to 5 in a variety of configurations
*Recognizes and describes parts contained in larger numbers
*Describes parts of numbers; counts on to determine total
*Combines parts by using related combinations including:

--Knowledge of commutative property (6 + 3 = 3 + 6)
--Rearranging parts to create known combinations (ex: adding 6 + 4 by moving 1 from the 6 to the 4, making 5 + 5)
*Knows totals when combining parts


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*That numbers to 100 are organized into groups of tens and ones
*To add tens without counting
*To take away tens without counting
*To interpret symbols for 2-digit numbers

Critical Learning Phases

*Counts groups of ten
*Knows total instantly when the number of tens and ones is known
*Knows the number of tens that can be made from any group of ones and the number of ones left over
*Knows the number of tens in any two-digit number
*Knows ten more for any two-digit number
*Knows ten less for any two-digit number


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*To use what they know about single-digit numbers to add and subtract two-digit numbers
*To add and subtract two-digit numbers using knowledge of tens and one
*To describe how they solve problems

Critical Learning Phases

Adding Numbers to 100

*Adds 2 numbers up to 100 by reorganizing them into tens and left over ones

Subtracting Numbers to 100

*Subtracts from numbers to 100 by breaking apart tens when necessary, and reorganizing what is left into the remaining tens and leftovers


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*To use known combinations to figure out unknown combinations
*To describe how they solve problems
*To know the parts of numbers to 10
*To use efficient strategies to solve problems to 20
*To write equations

Critical Learning Phases

*Combines parts by using related combinations including doubles plus or minus 1
*Knows totals when combining parts


Instructional Goals

Children Need to Learn:

*To combine single-digit numbers by reorganizing them into a ten and leftover ones
*To use their knowledge of the parts of numbers to 10 to subtract from numbers up to 20

Critical Learning Phases

Understanding Ten as a Unit

*Counts ten as a single unit

Understanding the Structure of One Ten and Some Ones

*Combines 1 ten with any number of ones up to 9 without counting
*Decomposes numbers from 10 to 19 into 1 ten and some ones

Adding Numbers to 20

*Adds 10 to any number of ones to 9, without counting

Subtracting Numbers to 20

*Adds 2 single-digit numbers with sums larger than ten by reorganizing them into 1 ten and leftovers
*When adding 2 single-digit numbers that result in a ten and some ones, knows what part of the number is needed to make a ten, and what part will be leftover
*Subtracts 10 from any number from 11-20, without counting
*When subtracting single-digit numbers, knows what part of the number needs to be taken away to get to ten, and what is still left to take away
*Subtracts from numbers to 19 by breaking up the ten when necessary, and knows how many left without counting

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Assessing Math Concepts - All 9 Assessments

Assessing Math Concepts - 2012 Edition

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