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Math Perspectives

Assessing Math Concepts
for TK-2+ Mathematics

Developed by Kathy Richardson

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Paper/Pencil Version Using Student Interview Forms


Online Version Using

AMC Anywhere

AMC Assessments

Assessing Math Concepts (AMC) is a continuum of assessments developed by Kathy Richardson. The assessments focus on important core concepts identified by Richardson as Critical Learning Phases that must be in place if children are to understand and be successful in mathematics. This assessments series is based on the premise that teachers will be able to provide more effective instruction and ensure maximum learning for each of their students when they are aware of the essential steps that children move through as they develop an understanding of foundational mathematical ideas. Students progress confidently when teachers are able to provide appropriately challenging learning experiences for individuals and classroom groups.

AMC is a continuum of nine assessments, grades TK-2+, and four Pre-K assessments that are formative, summative, and diagnostic. They pinpoint what a child knows and still needs to learn. Along with professional development, AMC helps deepen teachers’ understanding of the mathematics they teach.

 The AMC assessments are the only formative math assessment for grades TK-2+ that accurately uncover students' knowledge of key math concepts. They go beyond "getting the right answers" to reveal students' true understanding. AMC determines the level of thinking each student has reached. Teachers use this level to guide instruction so that the student is working at the most appropriate level for maximum growth and understanding. AMC will ensure students understand the mathematical concepts they need to know in elementary school to be successful in middle school math and beyond.

The assessments are conducted in short one-on-one student/teacher interviews. This format is critical since "we learn most about how our students think and what they can do when we sit beside them and observe their mathematical work."

Click here to read about the Pre-K assessments and instruction.

Student responses for the TK-2+ AMC assessments can be captured using Student Interview Forms or by the web-based, online platform called AMC Anywhere. Use of the online version of AMC requires a device with internet access and a standard browser, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari. Teachers can access  using either a PC or MAC platform.

Click here to read about the TK-2+ assessments and instruction.

The nine assessments are:

More/Less Trains











Assessing Math Concepts Assessments uncover students' understanding and misconceptions to provide teachers with the information they need to teach for understanding and meet the Common Core State Standards-Math (CCSS-M) .

© Math Perspectives Teacher Development Center

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Request further information or a quote via email at or by phone 360-715-2782


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